
  • Yu. V. Dutkevych-Ivanska
  • K. P. Meleha
  • L. P. Rusyn
  • V. P. Kish
  • O. B. Maltseva



physical therapy, acupuncture, pain syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia


The purpose of the research: to assess the effectiveness of physical therapy in combination with acupuncture in patients with trigeminal nerve damage. Materials and methods of research: 48 people with trigeminal neuritis were under our supervision. The study was conducted on the basis of the Uzhhorod City Polyclinic under the leadership of the head of the department, a doctor of the highest category, a physiotherapist Maria Ivanivna Vorovich. The examined patients in the age category from 25 to 43 years participated in the study and were divided into two groups: • the first (25 people) is a control group that received general treatment; • the second (23 people) is an experimental group, which was offered acupuncture reflexology in addition to the main methods. In terms of percentage, the examined persons were distributed as follows: 34 persons (70%) were female and 14 persons (30%) were male. During the outpatient treatment, the patients underwent a course of physical therapy: from the first days of the disease, anti-inflammatory and dehydration treatment, therapeutic physical culture (PE), which included therapeutic breathing exercises, exercises for the cervicothoracic spine, and special exercises for the face are recommended (2-3 times a day). Massage of the collar area and face and physiotherapeutic procedures (magnetotherapy, laser therapy) were carried out. It is advisable to prescribe moderate heat, electrophoresis of medicinal substances: dibazol (0.02%), proserin (0.1%). Acupuncture reflexology combines stimulating and inhibitory effects. Needles are placed on both the healthy and the diseased side of the patient's face. Results of the research: analysis of the results of physical therapy for patients in the control and experimental groups showed an improvement in objective and subjective data in the experimental group. According to these results, we observe positive changes in the control group by an average of 26% and in the experimental group by an average of 53%. Conclusions: during treatment with the method of acupuncture, a positive effect was observed, especially in cases where generally accepted traditional methods were ineffective or insufficiently effective. So the conducted studies have shown that a complex program of physical therapy and acupuncture helps to improve the functioning of facial muscles, prevents the formation of contractures, the patient can eat well, muscle elasticity improves, pain disappears, insomnia disappears, a person feels free in society, and this leads to increased work capacity and improved quality of life.


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How to Cite

Dutkevych-Ivanska Ю. В., Meleha К. П., Rusyn Л. П., Kish В. П., & Maltseva О. Б. (2022). ACUPUNCTURE REFLEXOLOGY IN THE COMPLEX TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH TRIGEMINAL NERVE DAMAGE. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (12), 22–28.