independent physical education, educational process, workouts, physical training, distance learning, students, the COVID-19 pandemic, viral infection, quarantine, health, functional capabilities, research.Abstract
The issue of university students’ physical improvement was raised by increasing the intensity of physical exertion, motivation for constant independent physical training, and especially during quarantine restrictions and classes in remote mode during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective. The purpose of the work – to substantiate the importance and necessity of independent physical education activities during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the results of a sociological study and assessment of the functional capabilities of students’ physical fitness. Мaterial. The attitude of students of a technological higher educational establishment to physical education and sports was examined and analyzed, and the level of students` physical preparedness was determined and evaluated in 2017 and 2022. The results of the research and analysis indicate a low level of the students` degrees of physical fitness. Furthermore, the level of physical preparedness of students who studied in 2021 is significantly lower than the similar indicators of students who studied in 2017. This may indicate a decrease in the intensity of physical exertion among students of I and II-year students who studied in 2021, i.e. during the period of quarantine restrictions. Results. The results of the study highlight the need to increase students` intensity of the exercise by involving them in sports sections, enhancing their motivation for independent physical training. Сonclusions. Taking into account the above, and with the aim of increasing the physical fitness of students, we consider it expedient: 1. Actively and systematically apply various forms and methods of work regarding motivation for independent physical education and the formation of students’ conscious self-organization, purposeful health-preserving behavior, and the desire to develop physically and improve. 2. In order to maximize the involvement of students in sectional classes, hold the most massive sections in fitness, athletics, badminton, table tennis, mini-football, etc. at the sports facilities of higher educational institutions. 3. Widely implement the latest technologies and methods in the organization of educational and educational work at the departments of physical education, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the educational process.
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