
  • I. Mirska
  • P. Kreft
  • D. W. Skalski
  • M. Kaszowska
  • L. Rybak
  • O. A. Chernienko



physical activity, physical fitness, diabetes type 2, pre-diabetes.


There is a lot of evidence confirming that a healthy diet and physical activity have a significant impact on the prevention of type 2 diabetes. The benefits of lifestyle changes are enjoyed by both people with revealed type 2 diabetes and those with prediabetes, which precedes the development of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is most often suffered by people with excessive body weight, in particular patients with excessive adipose tissue located in the visceral region. Obtaining a weight loss of 5% within 4 years reduces the incidence of diabetes in obese people by 58%. Lifestyle modification through the introduction of regular physical activity and a healthy diet effectively improves the regulation of sugar levels, both fasting glycaemia and the level of glycated hemoglobin HbA1c. Physical activity, lifestyle and health are inextricably linked. The human body, both for development and for optimal functioning, without diseases, needs movement, which significantly affects the length and quality of human life. All centers involved in the treatment of diabetes, including the Polish Diabetes Society, recommend regular physical activity to people with glycemic disorders. The diabetes epidemic is spreading fast. It is estimated that in 2025, around 300 million people will suffer from the disease in the world. Such a dynamic increase in the incidence is mainly due to the situation in developing countries, where the number of patients will increase by 170%. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on the prevention of type 2 diabetes. The basic method of preventing this disease is a proper diet and appropriate physical activity. The results indicate that despite the fact that Poles suffering from type 2 diabetes know that physical activity has a significant impact on extending life (90% of respondents), only half of the respondents engage in regular physical activity.


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How to Cite

Mirska, I., Kreft, P., Skalski, D. W., Kaszowska, M., Rybak, L., & Chernienko, O. A. (2023). PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AMONG ADULT POLES SUFFERING FROM TYPE 2 DIABETES. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (15), 148–153.




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