health, coach, consultant, motivation.Abstract
The qualification characteristics of a consultant on healthy lifestyle have been theoretically substantiated (project). The objective is to investigate the competencies of professionals in preserving and strengthening health in foreign practice and to substantiate the qualification characteristics of the “consultant on healthy lifestyle” profession in Ukraine. Methods. The analysis of professional scientific and methodological literature and regulatory documents were conducted using a comparative and correlative method. Results. An increase in the demand for the Health & Wellness Coach (HWC) profession has been noted in the USA. The job duties of health coaches and related professions abroad have been described. It has been clarified that providing enlightenment, information, and advice in the form of a ready-made algorithm of actions for the client as a result of consulting is not a guarantee of effective behavioral changes. The professional duties of a consultant on healthy lifestyle are aimed at developing internal motivation to improve health and wellness through the acquisition of appropriate behavioral patterns and is characterized by interdisciplinarity (intersection of scientific knowledge of healthcare, communication psychology, motivational theory, and fitness). A consultant on health should possess a sufficient level of skills and abilities to manage the motivation and behavior of the client and, at the same time, possess health-preserving technologies. Such specialists should use motivational interviews and coaching techniques as tools (unlike a fitness trainer). A list of duties and responsibilities, knowledge and skills requirements, as well as the educational level of such a professional have been proposed. It has been determined that a consultant on healthy lifestyle is a specialist in the systemic change of human behavior models, aimed at integrating optimal physical activity, work and rest regimes, habits of rational nutrition, stress management skills, time management, and medical activity into everyday life.
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