fitness-industry, trend, fitness-club, fitness-trainer, fitness-technology.Abstract
The purpose of the article is aimed at analyzing the main promising directions of development of the fitness industry in Ukraine. Material and methods. To achieve the goal and solve the problems of the study, theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources were used. The fitness industry is a sphere of successful and promising business, because in terms of development it ranks second in the world after Internet technologies. However, the COVID-19 epidemic and then the war had a significant impact on the industry. That is why the issue of studying the prospects for the development of the fitness industry in Ukraine becomes relevant. The results.The main properties inherent in the services of the fitness industry have been analyzed. It has been noticed that the popularity of fitness classes has a secret, which lies in the fact that the goal of all fitness programs is not to achieve high sports results, but to help people engage in a healthy lifestyle. Accordingly, all fitness programs are built on the basis of the safety principle. It is noted that their basis is the maximum benefit for human health. A SWOT-analysis of the competitiveness of fitness clubs was carried out, which helped to determine that an important aspect for the chosen strategy for the development and increase of the competitiveness of fitness clubs is clear approaches to its implementation. The author describes in detail the peculiarities of the fitness industry during the difficult period of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was noticed that despite the closure of some fitness clubs, which is connected with the lockdown, the problem of shortage of personnel is still relevant in the market. This is based on the fact that there is practically no professional training of fitness trainers in Ukraine. The global brands of this industry are also listed and it is indicated that global trends do not correspond to national ones, and the opinions of Ukrainian experts in the field of fitness industry are given regarding the most popular directions that should be developed in Ukraine and which can become trendy in the future. Conclusions. The analysis of modern developments of Ukrainian and foreign experts made it possible to identify trends in the fitness industry that will be popular in Ukraine. Among which are the most promising: medical fitness and rehabilitation, anti-stress training, functional training and military fitness, as well as outdoor training and training with gamification elements. And in order to provide sports institutions with qualified coaches, quality training should be provided and certification should be introduced. The Ukrainian fitness industry can be promising if attractive conditions are created for investors and conditions for the development of mass physical activity.
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