
  • Yu. A. Radchenko
  • A. A. Radchenko




martial arts, hand-to- hand combat, sports training, rules of competition, sections, versions, competitive activity, fights.


The purpose to investigate changes in the rules of hand-to- hand combat competitions throughout the entire development stage, to determine their dynamics, features, directions, reasons for implementation and effectiveness and compliance with the requirements of the time of individual stages and modern development. Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of special scientific and methodical literature, conversations, generalization of the best experience of specialists, мethods of mathematical statistics. The method of expert evaluations and analysis of protocols of hand-to- hand combat competitions, which took place during 1993–2023, was used. An expert group was also created, which included ten leading hand-to- hand combat judges, four of them with the qualification of an international category judge, six with the qualification of a national category judge. The results. The main factor that determines the competitive activity and affects the educational and training process of martial artists are the competition rules. In a wide range of studies, it is said that even minor changes in the rules of the competition affect the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the competitive activity of athletes. In the course of the research, it was established that the entire evolutionary process of developing the rules of hand-to- hand combat competitions is conventionally divided into six stages. Over the entire period of development, which has been taking place over the last several dozen years, in hand-to- hand combat, the rules of the competition have undergone radical changes, new versions have appeared, the requirements for the use of technical and tactical actions have changed, and new systems of evaluation and refereeing of the competition have been implemented. Most of the changes at various stages of the evolution of the competition rules were made with the aim of meeting the modern requirements of the development of the sports industry, increasing the spectacle of competitive matches, introducing new technologies, improving inventory, equipment and sports equipment, objectifying the refereeing system as a whole, and preventing injuries. It has been experimentally proven that the dosed contact version, which allows the use of a wider technical arsenal, is the most popular, and most of the innovations have positive dynamics regarding further development. Conclusions. The study of the fundamental studies devoted to the problems of the research served as a basis for ascertaining the importance of analyzing the changes in the competition rules for the further perspective of increasing the efficiency of competitive and educational and training activities. Despite the large number of stages of evolution of the rules of hand-to- hand combat competitions, this sport has not lost its characteristic features. Currently, it is an indisputable fact that specialists will continue to make new changes to the rules of hand-to- hand combat competitions in the future, so the information obtained on the features of the evolution of the competition rules, its main directions, effectiveness and conformity of changes to the requirements of the time will be a fundamental basis for prospects for increasing the efficiency of competitive activity at new stages of hand-to- hand combat development.


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How to Cite

Radchenko, Y. A., & Radchenko, A. A. (2023). EVOLUTION OF THE RULES OF SPORTS COMPETITIONS FROM HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (16), 138–154. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1795.2023.16.17




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