
  • S. V. Vatamaniuk National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • T. O. Khabinets National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • V. I. Dovhal Kremenets Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy named after Taras Shevchenko
  • H. V. Kedrych Kremenets Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy named after Taras Shevchenko
  • S. M. Syrotiuk Kremenets Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy named after Taras Shevchenko



men, adulthood, health fitness activity, assessment, posture, physical development, physical fitness


Mature age of men requires special attention of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, as it is in this age period that the health of population acquires special social and economic value. Appearance is the first and most obvious sign that individualizes a person. A human as a product of culture and its accomplice through their activity and generalization determines the result, including in the body image. The analysis of literature data shows a lack of research that would highlight the approaches to improving the level of biogeometric posture profile of men aged 26–35 years in the process of their fitness activity. Material and methods. At the stage of the observational experiment, it was planned to determine the posture type of men aged 26–35. The experiment involved 40 men of this age. The presented contingent of men aged 26–35 was involved in the study voluntarily, giving written consent to participate in a pedagogical experiment, as well as further analysis and disclosure of their personal data during the review and publication of research results. According to medical records of men among whom posture disorders were observed, this diagnosis was confirmed by orthopaedist. Anthropometry. During the study according to the generally accepted methodology, the following anthropometric indicators were determined: body weight; body length; thigh circumference; waist circumference. Pedagogical experiment. Pedagogical testing. Performance of the test "Lean forward in a sitting position with outstretched legs" using a measuring tape in our study was used to assess the mobility of the hip joint and lumbar spine. The endurance of the abdominal muscles was determined by means of "Incomplete flexion of the torso from a supine position" test. The obtained results were processed by methods of mathematical statistics. According to the results of the study, negative dynamics of increasing the number of posture disorders among men aged 26–35 was found with age. Analysis of anthropometry results have allowed to determine the features of physical development of men in the first period of their adulthood. In the course of the study it has been found that with age the indicators of physical fitness of the studied contingent deteriorate. Analysing the flexibility of the hip joint and lumbar spine of 26–35 year-old men with different posture types, it should be noted that the worst values of the studied indicator were recorded in men with scoliotic posture. The obtained data have become the basis for the development of technology aimed at increasing the level of biogeometric posture profile of men in the first period of their adulthood during their health fitness activity.


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How to Cite

Vatamaniuk С. В., Khabinets Т. О., Dovhal В. І., Kedrych Г. В., & Syrotiuk С. М. (2021). CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSICAL FITNESS OF 26 – 35 YEAR-OLD MEN WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF POSTURE, ENGAGED IN HEALTH FITNESS ACTIVITY. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (9), 29–36.