
  • O. P. Romanchuk
  • V. I. Hanitkevych



Yumeiho therapy, blood pressure, heart rate


The purpose of this study was to determine the main effects of Yumeiho therapy on the cardiovascular system. Material. The research was conducted on the basis of the Yumeiho Center (Lviv) during 2020-2022. 29 women aged 38.7 (32.0; 52.4) years and 26 men aged 35.8 (29.0; 46.6) years were under supervision. All individuals were practically healthy and had nonspecific signs of the spine osteochondrosis, which were characterized by periodic pain associated with prolonged forced standing, sitting, or physical work. All visitors to the Yumeiho Center had their blood pressure and heart rate measured while lying down before and after the procedure. An analysis of measurements of cardiovascular system indicators during 1014 Yumeiho therapy procedures was carried out. Of them, 427 are men and 587 are women. The results. The effect of the Yumeiho therapy procedure on the cardiovascular system consisted in reducing the heart rate as a whole in the group from 70.0 (63.0; 78.0) to 62.0 (58.0; 67.0), p = 0.000, as well as in men from 69.0 (62.0; 78.0) to 63.0 (58.0; 69.0), p = 0.000, and in women from 71.0 (64.0; 78.0) to 61.0 (57.0; 66.0), p = 0.000; increase in diastolic blood pressure as a whole in the group from 76.0 (71.0; 81.0) to 78.0 (73.0; 84.0), p = 0.000, in men from 77.0 (72.0; 83.0) to 80.0 (75.0; 86.0), p = 0.000; in women from 75.0 (70.0; 80.0) to 77.0 (72.0; 82.0), p = 0.000. Other indicators of the cardiovascular system also changed. Statistical limits of inadequate reactions have been established, which for heart rate are a decrease of more than 20 min-1 in men and 25 min-1 in women and an increase of heart rate in the range of 1-3 min-1, and for diastolic arterial pressure – a decrease of more than 6 mmHg and an increase of more than 11 mmHg, both in men and in women. Conclusions. It has been shown that the Yumeiho-therapy procedure has a significant effect on indicators of the cardiovascular system, which should be taken into account to prevent inadequate reactions.


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How to Cite

Romanchuk О. П., & Hanitkevych В. І. (2022). CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS OF THE YUMEIHO THERAPY PROCEDURE AND THEIR EVALUATION. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (12), 73–79.