
  • V. B. Misiura
  • L. A. Ruban
  • M. V. Mishyn



amateur athletes, brain contusion, correctional rehabilitation program


The purpose of this work was to develop a correctional and rehabilitation program for amateur athletes with the consequences of brain contusion. The study involved 18 young men in the late remote period. At the level of function according to the International Classification of Functioning, Health and Disabilities, all subjects had spasticity of the muscles of the lower limb and impaired support function of the limbs and balance. The developed 28-day correctional and rehabilitation program included kinesiotherapy, postural- proprioceptive gymnastics, hydrokinesiotherapy, individual lessons according to the PNF method, classes on the Redcord system, a treadmill with a variable load "COSMO". With the help of the Lovett manual muscle test, the balance test in the standing position behind Bohann, the testing of vestibular coordination and the walking pattern according to the “Get up and go” test, the effectiveness of the developed correctional rehabilitation program was statistically confirmed. Thus, the indicator of abdominal muscles, extensor muscles of the spine, quadratus lumborum, iliopsoas, hip adductors, quadriceps femoris, tibialis anterior, triceps calf, biceps femoris, medius and gluteus maximus femoris increased statistically significantly (p<0,05) by Lovett's test. In the primary study, the average Bohann balance score in all individuals indicated instability for long periods of standing on both legs without assistance. The dynamics of this indicator confirmed the effectiveness of the developed program (p<0,05). In the initial study of testing vestibular coordination and walking pattern on the "Get up and walk" test, the average execution time was 20 seconds or more. After undergoing rehabilitation according to the developed program, patients on average passed the test in 12-14 seconds and almost approached the standard value (11 seconds). Thus, the effectiveness of the complex rehabilitation intervention can significantly improve the vestibular coordination and walking pattern of amateur athletes with the consequences of brain contusion, even in the late long-term period, and bring the return to sports activity closer.


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How to Cite

Misiura В. Б., Ruban Л. А., & Mishyn М. В. (2022). VESTIBULAR REHABILITATION OF AMATEUR ATHLETES AFTER BRAIN CONCUSSION INJURY. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (12), 198–203.