arthroscopy, algorithm, knee joint, physiotherapeutic intervention, quality of life.Abstract
Purpose. Develop the algorithm for using physical therapy of sportsmen after arthroscopic operations in terms of combining damages of the meniscus and various stages of changes in the cartilage of the knee joint which tends to improve the quality of life and increase the effectiveness of the treatment and recovery process. Material. There were made use of theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature, Internet resources, particularly within protocols, and recommendations of foreign and domestics clinics related to the development of the algorithm for using physical therapy of sportsmen after arthroscopic operations in terms of combining damages of the meniscus and various stages of changes in the cartilage of the knee joint. Results. The analysis of modern scientific and methodological literature in terms of characteristics of administering ways and methods of physical therapy of sportsmen after arthroscopic operations in terms of combining damages of the meniscus and various stages of changes in the cartilage of the knee jointshows the importance of recovery and coming back to the high level of life quality as the integral criterion of the effectiveness of the taken measures. It was inspected the general and world standards of physiotherapeutic assistance to people of such specific, and parts of the physiotherapeuticinvasion from the point of view of evidence-based medicine. Current ways of therapy for recovering certain people are meant to be used for algorithmized physiotherapeutic interference, established on the basis ofevidence-based medicine and MKF. The investigated data were completed for the development of an inter ferencealgorithm of ways of physical therapy for improving the effectiveness of sportsmen recovery process. The given algorithm includes the following steps: the initial assessment of the functional sportsman`s status and determination of the problem; planning of interference; realization of interference; the assessment of the effectiveness of therapeutic interference. Conclusions. The improvement of surgical technique, change of the type of patients after arthroscopic operations in terms of combining damages of the meniscus and various stages of changes in the cartilage of the knee joint require the adaptation of measures and methods of physiotherapeutic intervention to maximize functional results in everyday life, which contribute to the direction of further scientific researches.
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