
  • N. V. Bogdanovska
  • K. Yu. Boichenko



comprehensive rehabilitation, rheumatoid arthritis, functional activity, physical component of health, quality of life.


The article reveals the role and place of rehabilitation tools in restoring the daily activity of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Taking into account the progressive course of rheumatoid arthritis, the high frequency of lesions in people of working age, the early decline in functional abilities, the loss of professional and social skills and the significant disability of patients, we proposed the use of a complex program of physical rehabilitation, which included modern means. The purpose of the paper was to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed comprehensive rehabilitation program for women with rheumatoid arthritis to restore daily activity. Material and methods. During the study, to determine the effectiveness of the proposed rehabilitation tools, the quality of life of the thematic patients was assessed using the “SF-36 Health Status Survey” questionnaire. The functional state of women was studied according to indicators of: the physical component of health – physical functioning, role functioning, pain intensity, general health; mental component of health – life activity, social functioning, emotional functioning, psychological health. Results. The proposed means of rehabilitation were aimed at reducing the painful course of the disease, improving the functional status of the musculoskeletal system, improving mental health, which made it possible to effectively control the course of the disease and contribute to improving the quality of life. According to the assessment of the degree of pain, the results in women of the control group at the end of the study were 43.4±1.54 points, in the main group the index was significantly lower – 32.5±1.06 points at p<0.05, which shows a difference of 10%. The effectiveness of a comprehensive rehabilitation program with the use of modern approaches – occupational therapy, orthoses and emotionally-oriented coping has a significant impact on the outcome of rehabilitation: it contributes to the restoration of daily activities of women with rheumatoid arthritis due to the improvement of the quality of life against the background of the improvement of the general mental and physical condition and the less painful course of the disease, which is a confirmation of the hypothesis put forward by us at the beginning of the study. Conclusions. The comprehensive rehabilitation program offered by us is effective according to research data, therefore it can be recommended for use by the specified category of patients (rheumatoid arthritis patients) in the early stages of the disease.


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How to Cite

Bogdanovska Н. В., & Boichenko К. Ю. (2023). MODERN STRATEGIES FOR RESTORATION OF DAILY ACTIVITY IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (17), 23–31.

