
  • Yu. A. Radchenko
  • A. A. Radchenko



hand-to-hand combat, structure of techniques, systematics, classification, terminology.


Hand-to-hand combat differs from classic types of martial arts in a number of features, first of all, it presupposes use of an unlimited technical arsenal, fighting in all possible positions and using any means of gaining an advantage over the opponent. Taking into account huge technical and tactical potential, a significant correlation between technical actions from different groups, the lack of structuring and classification of hand-to-hand combat techniques, contradictions regarding the name of technical actions and techniques, the issue of designing a rational system of training athletes, belongs to the field of fruitful scientific research of theorists and practitioners in sports field for many recent decades. The aim of the article is to design a structure of hand-to-hand combat techniques, determine their competitive scope, divide them into groups according to certain characteristics, and establish relationships between them. Theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodical literature resources, pedagogical observation, conversations, generalization of the best professional experience, video analysis of competitive activity. The issue of designing a rational system of training, especially at the initial stages, is associated with the lack of fundamental scientific and methodological findings in this area, as a rule, most scientific studies are of fragmentary nature, which do not reflect the specifics of hand-to-hand combat. Within this context and in view of a small number of studies aimed at technical improvement of athletes, it becomes especially relevant to deal with determining the structure of hand-to-hand combat techniques, the distribution of technical elements into groups according to their characteristics and the establishment of relationships between them in a certain sequence, as well as determining an algorithm for naming technical and tactical actions. Hand-to-hand combat refers to complex, mixed types of martial arts, the rules of which allow the use of various wrestling techniques in different positions to win. The designed technique structure consists of attacking and defensive actions and reflects their biomechanical essence, it takes into account the kinematic components of human movement capabilities as well as peculiarities of their application, which in their turn are determined by the rules of the competition. The obtained results can be applied in various areas for further sport development, for defining correct ideas about hand-to-hand combat techniques, for establishment of its dominant elements taking into account the individual developmental characteristics, for providing objective pedagogical control, formation of optimal technique and construction of a rational structure of the educational and training process, especially at the initial stages of multi-year training of arm wrestling athletes.


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How to Cite

Radchenko Ю. А., & Radchenko А. А. (2023). STRUCTURE OF HAND TO HAND COMBAT TECHNIQUES (SPORTS DIRECTION). Rehabilitation and Recreation, (17), 233–244.

