fitness services, health, health-orientes management, fitness centers, the conditions of warAbstract
The aim of this work is to study the place and role of fitness services in the system of health-oriented management and to make the overview analysis of the development trends of these services including the impact of war situation in Ukraine. Materials and methods. The theoretical basis of this research is the fundamental provisions of sport management & marketing science, health-preserving statements and general economic theory. The information basis for this research was official sources of leading Ukrainian information resources. The methodological basis of the study consists of a set of such methods and techniques: induction and deduction; monographic; institutional analysis, analysis of Internet resources, comparative analysis, generalization and abstraction; integrated and systematic approaches. Results. Fitness services occupy a special place in the organization’s health-oriented management system. They create opportunities for the health preserving of employees outside the organization, while at the same time referring to one of the measures of health-oriented management inside the organization, which in the future form its health-oriented environment. In the modern conditions the market of fitness services of Ukraine, the following is inherent: a high level of competition; expanding demand for the fitness services and the desire for more flexible forms of trainings; expanding the range of services offered by fitness clubs. The realities of war change the requirements for the fitness trainers: soon we will need trainers who can improve physical and mental conditions of their clients (rehabilitate military personnel, restore the mobility of civilians’ bodies, conduct conscious trainings for the health; pay more attention to the emotional state of clients, adjust the load to the level of fatigue, monitor own mood, help distract yourself from negative thoughts thanks to new exercises). At the same time, the realities of war will stimulate fitness centers to change their approach and develop special preferential packages for the people affected by the war. Conclusions. The conducted study demonstrated the importance of such an element as “fitness services” in the system of health-oriented management. Fitness services occupy a significant share in the structure of the country’s sports and health services market. In modern conditions, the fitness industry of Ukraine is experiencing a new, ambiguous development cycle: on the one hand, the war and its socio-economic consequences cause a negative impact, and on the other hand, these consequences contribute to the development of new forms and methods of conducting classes.
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