physical activity, health, clustering, segment, fitness services, consumer preferences, China, active lifestyleAbstract
Purpose was to identify and describe the main groups of fitness service consumers based on their preferences, motivations, and behaviors to optimize marketing strategies that address the needs of different consumer segments. Materials and methods. The study involved 257 respondents (136 men and 121 women) in early adulthood, with an average age of 29.4 (+5.6/-8.4), from various provinces of China. The following scientific methods were used: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific-methodological literature and leading practical experience; sociological research methods; and methods of mathematical statistics (analysis of variance, cluster analysis). Results. Preferred types of health fitness among fitness service consumers in China, their motivations for participation, and external and internal factors limiting engagement in wellness programs were identified. To better understand the relationships between different components of consumer preferences and satisfaction, hierarchical cluster analysis was used to classify respondents. The optimal number of clusters was determined using the elbow method ("scree plot") and silhouette method, both indicating two clusters. The first cluster consisted of 111 respondents, and the second included 140. The total number of observations (251) was slightly lower than the total number of completed surveys (257) due to the exclusion of records with missing data. Variables related to motivation, fitness effectiveness, and barriers to participation had a strong impact on clustering. In contrast, there were no significant differences between clusters in demographic factors and self-assessed physical activity levels. Conclusion. The results indicate significant differences between clusters in the indicators that primarily reflect respondents' attitudes towards participation in health fitness. These differences are largely explained by the psychological characteristics of the respondents and their perceptions of health fitness activities.
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