
  • Dariusz Skalski Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport
  • Damian Kowalski Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyi
  • Bogdan Kindzer Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyi
  • Igor Grygus National University of Water and Environmental Engineering



recreation, pandemic, physical activity, health


The period of a pandemic is not a time favorable for physical activity, recreational games, enjoying leisure and outdoor recreation. Many people are locked up at home because of isolation or quarantine, or they stay at home voluntarily because they fear they are infected with the virus. For over a year since the pandemic in the country has been going on, Poles have given up many physical activities, which has a very negative impact on their health and well-being. Many people have started working remotely, spending eight or ten hours in front of a laptop screen in a sitting position, often hunched over, does not have a positive effect on the human body. In accordance with the pandemic recommendations, for a very long time we have been locked in our homes against our will, even walks in the immediate vicinity have been limited. In recent times, people are also more exposed to stress from negative television news, isolation news and the pandemic situation itself. Physical activity and physical games, as well as being outdoors, are essential for proper functioning and for mental and physical health. During a pandemic, it is very difficult to take care of the right amount of physical activity or recreational games for children and adults. In the first part of the work, we will find information about how the pandemic affects adults and children. How it affects the psyche, health and mental state and comparing the insulation in an apartment in a block of flats and in your own house with a garden. In the second part of the essay, we will read how the pandemic affects health education in schools, physical education classes in children, which are strongly impossible to conduct, and how the lack of contact with peers affects the mental condition of students. The third part of the third paper describes what recreational games and forms of play in the open air and at home can be performed during a pandemic, and how it is affected by the current restrictions. The fourth part of the work describes how to avoid deterioration of health during a pandemic, and how to keep in shape, and how to maintain the condition of children after a day in front of a computer.


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How to Cite

Skalski, D., Kowalski, D., Kindzer, B., & Grygus, I. (2021). SELECTED ASPECTS IN HEALTH EDUCATION IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RECREATIONAL GAMES DURING A PANDE. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (9), 109–119.

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