
  • I. O. Sydoruk National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences, Educational and Research Institute of Health
  • A. M. Hirak National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences, Educational and Research Institute of Health
  • T. V. Hamma National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences, Educational and Research Institute of Health
  • I. O. Orel National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences, Educational and Research Institute of Health



active games, children, physical education


The article examines the features of active games in the system of physical education of primary school children. The classification of modern active games is covered. Active play refers to such manifestations of game activity in which the role of movements is clearly expressed. Active games are characterized by creative, active motor actions motivated by the plot. They are aimed at overcoming various difficulties on the way to achieving the goals. It is due to this wonderful property that active games, especially with competitive elements, more than other forms of physical education, meet the needs of the body. It is established that with the help of active games it is possible to actively influence the process of development of physical qualities of the child, to control their development. Carrying out a comprehensive approach to the formation of physical qualities of primary school children, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of speed, agility, endurance and flexibility, those qualities that are most actively developing in primary school students. The study found that the widespread use of active games is one of the main means of increasing children's physical activity. It was found that the systematic use of games helps to expand the mobility of children, which become the necessary vital abilities and skills.


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How to Cite

Sydoruk І. О., Hirak А. М., Hamma Т. В., & Orel І. О. (2021). ACTIVE GAMES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (9), 200–204.

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