
  • N. Z. Hutsul Ukrainian Academy of Printing
  • V. V. Leshyk Ukrainian Academy of Printing
  • V. I. Rykhal Lviv State University of Physical Culture
  • H. I. Huk Lviv State University of Physical Culture



physical education, physical fitness, Tabata method, future designers.


The article highlights the issue of physical fitness of student youth in higher educational institutions.The peculiarities of the influence of the “Tabata” method on the level of physical fitness of future spe-cialists of designers studying at the Ukrainian Academy of Printing have been studied. It is possible tomotivate students to physical education classes through the introduction of new innovative technologiesand techniques that will help improve the physical and mental performance of students. The aim is toassess the impact of the Tabata technique on the physical fitness of future designers. Material. The peda-gogical experiment was attended by 70 students aged 18–20. Students were divided into EG – 35 people and KG – 35 people. The study took place during the 2020–2021 school years. Results. Tabata studentssignificantly improved their performance on such control tests as long jump, shuttle run (4 × 9 m), torsotilt forward from a sitting position. There were no significant changes in the students who attended the tra-ditional program. According to the results of the study at the end of the pedagogical experiment, futuredesigners showed the following results of the level of physical fitness, where 49 % showed an averagelevel of training and it was the highest, above the average level showed 24 % and below 20 % and only7 % for female students-designers. Conclusions. According to the results of testing students-designers, itcan be concluded that almost half of the total number of students (49 %) correspond to the average levelof physical fitness, which corresponds to a satisfactory grade, above the average level (grade good) showed24 % of students. High level of preparation (excellent grade) 7 % of respondents and below average level(poor grade) has 20 % of students.According to the results of the pedagogical experiment, it can be stated that classes according tothe “tabata” method are more effective for improving the level of physical fitness of future designers thanthe traditional curriculum in physical education for university students.


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How to Cite

Hutsul Н. З., Leshyk В. В., Rykhal В. І., & Huk Г. І. (2022). IMPROVING THE LEVEL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS ACCORDING TO THE “TABATA” METHOD FOR FUTURE DESIGNERS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (10), 95–100.