
  • E. O. Kosynskyi
  • O. L. Dyshko
  • A. M. Sitovskyi
  • N. V. Tabak
  • A. H. Chyzh



physical education, national martial arts, squat, sliders


In today's conditions, the issue of patriotic education of youth is extremely relevant. One of the extraordinary ways of educating young patriots can be the active introduction into the pedagogical process the studying national martial arts, in particular, mastering their elements in the context of physical training. The purpose of intelligence is to study and generalize the characteristic features of specific elements of national martial arts (squats and sliders) and introduce students into the process of physical education. It is noted that the practice of introducing various martial arts into physical education in higher educational institutions is not new, so it is necessary to study carefully the accumulated experience. It was noted that many experts successfully applied various styles and directions of the fight, in particular taekwondo, boxing, alysh belt wrestling, sambo and others, which made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of physical training and had a positive impact on the educational process as a whole. However, the mastery of national martial arts leads not only to an improvement in physical qualities, physical fitness, performance, which we observed in the process of applying other styles, but also to an increase in the effectiveness of patriotic education, which is an urgent requirement of the present time. Based on these observations, we have studied individual elements of the national Ukrainian martial arts, inherent in the national features of the motor heritage of our ancestors. A general scheme of the «squat» element is proposed, which allows to master and apply it effectively, depending on the level of assimilation of theoretical material and practical implementation, thus avoiding significant difficulties that may be associated with the technical complexity and variety of the range of this element of martial arts. It also substantiates the expediency of studying such an element as sliders, which are characteristic of the national tradition of Ukrainians and can be a certain indicator of the level of physical fitness. Despite the existing difficulties, which are pointed out by various researchers, this direction of improving the process of physical education seems promising.


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How to Cite

Kosynskyi Е. О., Dyshko О. Л., Sitovskyi А. М., Tabak Н. В., & Chyzh А. Г. (2022). INTRODUCTION OF THE ELEMENTS OF NATIONAL SINGLE COMBATS IN THE PROCESS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF STUDENTS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (12), 190–197.