visual deprivation, children, physical development, physical fitness.Abstract
The article examines the data of modern scientific research devoted to the analysis and comparison of indicators of physical development of children with visual impairment, which state the fact that children of primary and secondary school age with visual impairment have a significantly lower level of physical development and physical fitness than their peers who have the given no pathology was detected. It is scientifically proven that with age, indicators of physical development in children with visual deprivation increase, but more slowly compared to their peers who do not have the same pathology. It is possible to assume that the age-related dynamics of physical development in children with visual impairment is physiological, as in the norm, but the level of physical development is much lower. The purpose of the study is to analyze indicators of physical development in children with visual impairment. Research methods: theoretical analysis of data from special literature on the selected research topic, which involved the use of a number of the following methods: reconstruction, aspectual and conceptual analyses. Material. Deprivation of sensory systems as a result of visual impairment in children of various ages changes their life activities and reduces adaptive capabilities. Children with visual impairment are characterized by the presence of such dysfunctions as: impairment of spatial images, sensory perception of the world, self-control and self-regulation. body as a whole. Such dysfunctions are accompanied by the development of concomitant diseases, the most common of which is minimal brain dysfunction. Periodically, children with this pathology may have various manifestations of behavioral disorders, which, according to scientific research, negatively affect their motor activity. The results. It is scientifically proven that with age, indicators of physical development in children with visual deprivation increase, but more slowly compared to their peers who do not have the same pathology. The age-related dynamics of physical development in children with visual impairment is physiological, as in the norm, but the level of physical development is much lower. During almost the entire school age, children with vision deviation lag behind their peers who do not have this pathology in height and body weight. Conclusions. There is an assumption that indicators of physical development and physical fitness in children with impaired visual function are significantly different from those of peers with normal vision, but there is not enough scientific research to substantiate this assumption. Identifying the features of physical development with and without visual impairment is necessary, as the content of motor impairment correction programs is determined on the basis of the data obtained.
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