public-private partnership, mechanisms, innovation, project, investment, market, physical culture, sports, management, public policyAbstract
The invasion of rf and the ongoing military actions in Ukraine have exacerbated the complexity of the current situation in the field of physical culture and sports in country. The lack of necessary resources and investments from the private sector is reflected in the additional burden on state and local budgets. One of the effective models of cooperation is public-private partnership (PPPs), which makes it possible to secure investments and increase the role of non-governmental institutions in the process of development physical culture and sports, social investment and environmental protection. The importance of the study is to develop the conceptual foundations and implementation PPPs in the field of physical culture and sports may be considered in the formation of Ukraine's anti-crisis program and strategy for the post-war to development of national economy. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of public-private partnership and determine the prerequisites for its implementation in the field of physical culture and sports. Research methods include theoretical analysis and summarization of data from scientific and methodological literature, empirical research materials and documents. We were used the method of system analysis, pedagogical observation, methods of mathematical statistics, the method of combining logical and historical analysis of the development of socio-economic relations in the field of physical culture and sports. Based on the results of analysis the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine, the article formulates the advantages and possible risks of applying PPPs mechanisms. Substantiated are the importance and significance of the introduction of PPPs mechanisms and the implementation of relevant projects in the field of physical culture and sports in wartime. It is proposed to use the methods of social impact and Social Return on Investment (SROI) to determine the success of PPP projects in the field of physical culture and sports, which can improve public life, including in the territories negatively affected by the war. In times of crisis, the implementation of partnerships between Government and private sector is necessary to overcome negative phenomena, intensify innovation, formulate an effective investment policy and restore sports infrastructure, which will help accelerate the solution problems of physical culture and sports development in Ukraine. The first in the study is substantiate the importance of introducing PPPs mechanisms in the field of physical culture and sports during the crisis period.
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