training, management, working capacity of students, pedagogical means, power fitnessAbstract
The article reveals the pedagogical tools of strength fitness management to improve the efficiency of students in the learning process. Defined requirements and a system of pedagogical tools for strength fitness management to improve the efficiency of students in the learning process. Which include: the sequence of implementation of pedagogical tools for strength fitness management; assessment of physical development and functional systems of the student; intensity of training in strength fitness; assessment of various aspects of the student’s physical fitness. Analyzed the current state of life and education of modern students, which has changed radically in the pandemic and contradicted the biological needs of motor activity of the young organism, which is still in its infancy and final formation. To prevent these undesirable consequences, a great role is given to exercise and especially those that have a purposeful effect on the restoration of physiological functions of the young person. We found that strength training for 45 minutes with low-intensity exercise (heart rate 100-120 beats per minute) and motor density up to 50% increases the physical fitness of students in the next six hours of study. Strength fitness with medium load (heart rate 140-150 beats per minute) and motor density up to 70% causes the greatest increase in the level of physical fitness of students and persists until the end of the school day. It has been established that pedagogical means of strength fitness management help to systematize classes, improve physiological and psychological mechanisms of students’ adaptation to the educational process, and strength fitness is an effective means of relieving mental stress and is an effective factor in improving physical performance and health of students.
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