
  • O. M. Solovei Prydniprovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
  • D. V. Petrushyn Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs
  • M. Yu. Pozhydaiev Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs
  • K. H. Vozniuk Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs
  • V. I. Rohalskyi Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs
  • A. V. Kyrychenko Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs




handball, competitive activities, Olympic tournament, winning teams, throws, efficiency


The purpose of the work is to analyze and evaluate the implementation of throws in the competitive activities of handball players of the winning teams at the Olympic Handball Tournament in Tokyo. Materials and methods. The game of handball players – participants of the 2021 Olympic Handball Tournament, who qualified for the final tournament and won the prestigious trophy, is analyzed. The data are obtained from the official protocols available on the website of the International Handball Federation. Results of the research. The article considers the main components of the competitive activity of handball players, namely throwing the ball into the goal, as a factor in achieving the appropriate result. The effectiveness of handball players’ competitive activities largely depends on the technical and tactical actions of the players and is closely related to the quantitative and qualitative indicators in the training process. The handball players performed throws from different distances (from 6 meters – 436 throws, 287 goals, efficiency 65,8 %; 9 meters – 337, 143 and 42,4 % respectively; 7 meters – 149, 123 and 82,6 % respectively) and games positions (the position of the extreme players – 222, 137 and 61,7 % respectively). Competitiveness indicators can be used to test individual and team technical and tactical actions to compare and analyze its relationship with team rankings. Conclusions. Today, the leaders of world and European women’s handball are the national teams of France, ROC, Norway and Sweden. The winners of the Olympic tournament in Tokyo are gradually increasing the share of long-distance shots, which now prevail over all others, thus increasing the effectiveness of attacking actions.


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How to Cite

Solovei О. М., Petrushyn Д. В., Pozhydaiev М. Ю., Vozniuk К. Г., Rohalskyi В. І., & Kyrychenko А. В. (2022). FEATURES OF THROWING IN THE COMPETITIVE ACTIVITIES OF HANDBALL PLAYERS OF THE WINNING TEAMS AT THE OLYMPIC HANDBALL TOURNAMENT IN TOKYO. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (10), 140–147. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1795.2022.10.18