activity, participation, environmental factors, quality of life, socialization, international classification of functioning.Abstract
Integration of persons with disabilities into society is the highest goal of rehabilitation. Currently, special attention is paid in Ukraine and the world to the support of those children and adolescents who need palliative care. Traditionally, knowledge about palliative care for children and adolescents in society is reduced only to the idea of the need for care and drug therapy. The purpose of the study is to prove the effectiveness of the use of dance and movement therapy in the physical therapy program of children and adolescents who need palliative care, using the example of a patient with cerebral palsy IV–V level of motor development. During the study, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological sources on the topic of the study, pedagogical observation, the GMFCS system of general motor functions, monitoring of the examination and the dynamics of the development of the main motor functions, surveys. Research and implementation of the dance-movement therapy technique took place on the basis of the Rivne educational and rehabilitation center “Special Child” during two academic years. 12 children aged 8–14 took part in the study. The students of the institution studied according to the auxiliary educational program of grades 4-6. The program of physical therapy with the use of dance and movement therapy was based on the International Qualification of Functioning and provided for two vectors: physical and social. For examination, monitoring, formation of the goal of therapeutic intervention, we selected 18 categories of ICF from three domains: 5 categories of ICF at the level of body structure and function – 28%, 7 categories of ICF at the level of activity, participation – 39%, 6 categories of ICF at the level environmental factors – 33%. The most changes occurred in the Activity and Participation category 41%, in the Environmental Factors category – 35%, in the Structures and Functions category – 24%. Monitoring of changes showed that positive dynamics occurred in the following categories: b 280 Feeling of pain, d 710 Elementary interpersonal interactions, e 320 Friends, e 460 Social attitude – improvement by three positions. Indicators of seven categories improved by two positions – b 735 Functions of muscle tone, d 415 Maintaining body position, d 440 Use of precise hand movements, d 530 Toilet, d 880 Participation in business, d 760 Family relations, e 355 Professional security workers health. Indicators of qualifiers in six categories improved by one position: b 117 Intellectual functions, b 760 Control of voluntary motor functions, d 550 Nutrition, e 310 Closest relatives, e 120 Products and technologies for personal internal and external mobility and transportation, e 125 Products and technologies for communication. The use of dance and movement therapy contributed to the solution of the main tasks that ensured the formation of a harmonious, positive, socialized personality and adolescent children with disabilities of IV-V degrees of motor development. This created favorable conditions for a significant improvement in the quality of life of all participants in the treatment process – both children and their family members.
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