risk of falls, cholecystectomy, physical therapy, old age.Abstract
Aim. To determine the dynamics of the risk of falls in elderly patients after laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCC) in the subacute period of rehabilitation under the influence of physical therapy. Materials. 80 elderly patients aged 60 to 74 years with chronic calculous cholecystitis (CCC) (n = 40), including (n = 31), men (n = 9) and patients with acute calculous cholecystitis (ACC) (n = 40), including women (n = 31) and men (n = 9), after LCC. The study is randomized and single-blinded. Patients with CCC: main group (OG1), control group (CG1); with ACC: OG2 and KG2. OG1 and OG2 patients receive rehabilitation intervention at the subacute stage of rehabilitation with a strategy to reduce the risk of falls. Methods. Berg’s balance test. Mathematical statistics methods: Student’s t-test for dependent and independent samples, significance level p<0.05. Results. The risk of falls according to the Berg test is considered to be less than 40 points, elderly patients after LCC of all groups in the subacute period had a risk of falls. At the first examination of the level of equilibrium, no statistically significant difference was found between the groups, including between the groups with CCC and ACC. The comparative characteristics of the test results of the groups before and after rehabilitation established a statistically significant difference when comparing groups KG1 and OG1 after; KG2 and OG2 after and when comparing the results of OG1 before and OG1 after; OG2 before and OG2 after the rehabilitation intervention, which indicates the effectiveness of the implemented strategy and means of reducing the risk of falls. Conclusions. Elderly patients after LCC of all groups at the beginning of the subacute stage of rehabilitation had a risk of falls. Patients in the control groups (CG1 and CG2) who had medical support, appropriate dietary guidelines, and exercise recommendations did not improve their balance function over 12 weeks. Balance results of OG1 and OG2 patients who received a rehabilitation intervention with a fall reduction strategy and engaged in a 12-week physical therapy program (36 classes) demonstrated an exit from the fall risk zone and a statistically significant (p < 0.05) improvement in results.
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