
  • Dariusz Skalski Academy of Physical Education and Sport Jędrzej Śniadecki in Gdansk
  • Damian Kowalski Academy of Physical Education and Sport Jędrzej Śniadecki in Gdansk
  • Igor Grygus National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Health
  • Natalia Nesterchuk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Health

Ключові слова:

professional sport, health education, physical culture, morality


The stars of the sport create very strong and lasting attitudes towards sport by being successful, but also give a personal example of being very public people with a given image. This indicates a great impact on the behavior of supporters and social groups identifying with the athletes. Creating attitudes unintentionally and the private life of a sports star that is far from a healthy lifestyle causes a negative impact on society but positive patterns and joining health-oriented campaigns brings high social and cultural benefits. In the modern world, we are increasingly reaching for products that complement our daily diet. The problem concerns the use of supplements and boosters that help faster fat burning and building muscle mass. Also serious problem is that young people who start their sports journey, wanting to impress others, decide to consume substances of different origin. They reach for illegal supplements, which often ends in tragedy. Despite very widespread actions that inform about the harmful effects of using these dangerous drugs, young people and sometimes athletes reach for them. People who take these substances try to escape problems in this way. They don't even realize they're addicted. The effects can be tragic and many young athletes have lost their careers through drugs and alcohol. Physical education plays the role of a message, which is focused on creating the right set of attitudes and attitudes, the transmission of messages associated with it, as well as hardening for environmental stimuli and acquiring skills and abilities that together determine the behavior of a person in relation to his physical (bodily) characters. Almost all of us have to deal with physical culture in our lives - playing sports, actively relaxing or attending physical education classes. It is identified with attention to physical fitness and health, striving for the correct body posture, and proper psychophysical development. Physical culture is strongly associated with morality because it is visible in all forms of physical culture. Nowadays, health education, which is implemented at individual educational stages, plays a big role in school education. Thanks to this, already at school we can develop the habit of caring systematically for our own health and decide on active participation in physical culture. Physical fitness was already of great importance to primitive people, because they had to be strong, fit, healthy, resistant to diseases and a changing climate. Many scholars were interested in sport and physical culture. The beginnings of physical education in Europe should be traced to ancient Greece.


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Як цитувати

Skalski, D., Kowalski, D., Grygus, I., & Nesterchuk, N. (2020). MORAL PROBLEMS IN CONTEMPORARY PHYSICAL CULTURE AND HEALTH EDUCATION. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (6). вилучено із

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