
  • O. I. Nikolenko
  • T. V. Hamma
  • L. O. Zarichanska
  • O. L. Nesenchuk
  • T. O. Zinchuk



recreation, types of recreation, recreational activities, free time


The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the concept of recreation as a socio-cultural phenomenon. In the dictionaries of most languages, the term «recreation» means: the period of time devoted to rest; rest itself, the restoration of human strength spent on labor; this term is associated with vacations, or a long break between classes. The main important characteristics of recreation are considered (voluntariness of recreational activity, difference in content and forms of recreational activities, lack of economic motives, availability of recreational activities, as a result of the received pleasure). Recreation as a set of objective values includes the entire set of material and spiritual achievements created in society to meet the recreational needs of modern people. The importance of the correct organization of recreational activities has been established. The importance of the correct organization of recreational activities has been established. Recreation as a specific human activity is characterized by the need to determine the ultimate goal and ways to achieve it. The modern interpretation of the concept of recreation focuses attention on the process of recreation, which combines the entire set of types of human activity, which is realized at leisure in time free from work, learning, fulfilling public and family duties and ensuring physiological functions. The process of human recreational activity (relaxation – physical development – entertainment) is illustrated, and the main elements of its structure are considered. Varieties of recreations are given and characterized: 1) conditionally passive and active (with dominance of physical or mental activity); 2) motor (physical), creative (creative), cultural and entertainment, social. In the course of the research, an analysis, generalization, and development of scientific and methodological literature and theoretical provisions related to this topic were carried out.


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How to Cite

Nikolenko О. І., Hamma Т. В., Zarichanska Л. О., Nesenchuk О. Л., & Zinchuk Т. О. (2022). RECREATION AS A SOCIO-CULTURAL PHENOMENON, ITS VARIETIES AND CHARACTERISTICS. Rehabilitation and Recreation, (12), 144–149.

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