special physical training, national martial arts, mixed martial arts, MMA.Abstract
Purpose is to determine the influence of the use of elements of national martial arts in the process of special physical training on the results of physical fitness of mixed martial arts (MMA) athletes. The study involved 30 MMA athletes of a basic level of fitness aged 13–14 years. Testing was carried out before the start of the experiment on six indicators, namely: bending the torso forward from a sitting position, long jump from a place, jump up from a place, shuttle run (4x9 meters), straight kick with the right (left) leg, side kick with the right (left) leg. The participants were divided into three groups. Group No. 1 trained using elements of national martial arts (squats), No. 2 – with plyometric exercises (depth jumps) and No. 3 – using weights (squats with a barbell). Note that the duration of training in the three groups did not differ. There were also no differences in the intensity and volume of loads. Training was carried out three times a week for two months. After completion of the eight-week training cycle, retesting was conducted. As a result of testing before and after the experiment, an improvement in results in all indicators is obvious. At the same time, analysis of the data of the three groups indicates a significant difference in the indicators in group No. 1 in a direct strike with the right and left leg – 22.82% and 20.89%, respectively, group No. 2 showed an increase of 13.9% (right leg) and 11.46% (left leg), and in the third group the smallest increase was recorded, which was only 3.73% and 3.41%, respectively. A similar difference in gain was also observed in the right and left leg side kick test. There is a similar significant difference in high jumps. In the agility test (shuttle run 4x9 meters), no significant difference in the dynamics of indicators was revealed. The flexibility test (torso bending forward from a sitting position) showed a slight difference between the indicators of groups 1 and 2. Consequently, the introduction of elements of national martial arts (squats) as a type of plyometric exercise into the special physical training of MMA fighters may have some advantages over jumps in depth and work with weights.
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